Marietta, Ohio, November 17, 2010. This study of Colossians takes the doctrine of the Trinity seriously and applies it broadly. This means that it is assumed it to be true of God, and therefore true of God’s people because people…
Category: Christianity
Issues and opinions about Christianity
The Professional
“Professionalism: It’s not the job you do, it’s how you do the job.â€Â – Anonymous People tend to think that being a professional means having a certain kind of job — doctor, lawyer, architect, etc. Why is that? I suspect…
Medical Aid Workers in Afghanistan
In the recent headlines are the 10 Medical Aid Workers in Afghanistan who were killed by Taliban insurgents. According to the director of IAM, Dirk Frans, the Taliban murdered ten people execution-style for their Christianity. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahed claimed…
Why? is not an academic question. It is your life. Work becomes a drudgery when purpose, meaning and passion have been obscured by the prevailing values of popular culture. Many casualties result from a loss of a proper focus —…
Strategic Vision
Strategic Planning Organizational Model Values Culture SMART Goals SWOT Analysis Strategic Vision Mission & Values Objectives Strategies Action Plan First, answer the question: “if someone from Mars visited your business, what would they see or sense?” This provides an objective…
Non-Profit Marketing
Do secular marketing principles work with non-profit organizations, i.e, churches, ministries, religious colleges, universities, etc.? Yes and no. Of course they do what they are designed to do—bring maximum profits to the bottom line. But is that the mission of…
No Neutrality!
The thesis is that if and when Christians individually and as a community assert the kingship of Jesus Christ in the world (this present evil world, alienated from God, the Father), the world will not merely oppose such a confession…
Grace, Not Luck
Application Purpose Principle Passion Virtue Character Calling Leadership Grace Christ The business world mistakenly calls it luck or fortune. They commonly speak of being lucky or fortunate when things go well. Einstein knew better. He knew that “God doesn’t play…
Do It Right!
I haven’t always lived up to this axiom, and occasionally have to re-learn its wisdom. It’s not easy to achieve compliance with this one. It’s like painting a room in your home. Once painted, the other rooms look worse in…
Christian Marketing
“Remember, everything we do gets hijacked by marketing.” That was the warning Sun Microsystems Inc. Chief Researcher John Gage had for developers working on emerging grid computing standards at the Global Grid Forum in Seattle in June, 2003. His comment…