After forty years of ministry, I am convinced that the various crises we suffer are a result of not knowing how to read the Bible. Way too many scholars and seminaries are “tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes” (Ephesians 4:14). These books are offered as a corrective. Lord, have mercy.

God's Great Plan for the Whole World
Phillip A. Ross $24.99 An overview of the whole biblical story. It's not what you think it is! See the story in a whole new light.

Galatians -- Backstory/Christory
Phillip A. Ross $14.95 Christ came to free people from bondage to the law of Moses, but not through the absolute abandonment of all law. Get real!

John's Miracles -- Seeing Beyond Our Expectations
Phillip A. Ross $14.99 John holds the humanity and divinity of Jesus in tension, and provides a different understanding of the miraculous.

Colossians--Christos Singularis
Phillip A. Ross $14.95 The complexity of God's singularity, the Solas Christos Singularis of God, is a way to understand the depth and texture of Paul's letter.

Arsy Varsy -- Reclaiming The Gospel in First Corinthians
Phillip A. Ross $15.95 Paul thought, wrote and taught that some of the leaders of the Corinthian church had things backwards, and their getting things right meant that they first come to understand that they had things wrong.

Varsy Arsy -- Proclaiming The Gospel in Second Corinthians
Phillip A. Ross $15.95 The Corinthian church had wealth, success and influence. But the false spirituality being taught was based on Greek wisdom. Paul saw through the charade and called the Corinthians back to Christ.

The Wisdom of Jesus Christ in Proverbs
Phillip A. Ross $15.95 Here is the biblical message Proverbs in the light of Jesus Christ, from the perspective of Christianity. While Proverbs was written by King Solomon, the Christian faith is eternally consistent.

Informal Christianity--Refining Christ's Church
Phillip A. Ross $7.95 Informal Christianity reviews the personal and informal realities involved in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that provide the foundation of Christianity.

Practically Christian -- Applying James Today
Phillip A. Ross $7.95 Shine the light of Scripture into the darkened recesses of the contemporary church by shining the light of James into the hearts of contemporary readers.

Peter’s Vision of Christ’s Purpose in First Peter,
Phillip A. Ross $14.95 Peter's vision of the progressive revelation of Christ in history fueled the scientific and technological revolutions that have already created a new world.

Peter's Vision of The End
Phillip A. Ross $12.95 Peter was not suggesting that God’s purpose was the destruction of the world. Rather, God was working to save the world. God’s message was and is a message of hope not hate, of love not loathe.

The True Mystery of the Mystical Presence
$14.95 John Williamson Nevin (1846) & Phillip A. Ross An expanded edition of Nevin’s book, The Mystical Presence—A Vindication of the Reformed or Calvinistic Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist.

Marking God's Word--Understanding Jesus
Phillip A. Ross $14.95 Is confusion about the gospel of Jesus Christ new to the contemporary world? When did the confusion begin? What is the confusion about? How have people dealt with it? These are the questions that have guided this commentary on Mark.

Acts Of Faith--Kingdom Advancement
Phillip A. Ross $13.95 This study of Acts shows that Paul understood Jesus, and carried forward Jesus' perspective, not simply Paul's perspective. It was an old perspective because it was a biblical perspective, not a new perspective.

Ephesians -- Recovering the Vision of a Sustainable Church in Christ
Phillip A. Ross $14.95 A biblical perspective that issues out of the wholeness of the Bible and shows the Bible’s sustainable depth and breadth for the twenty-first century

Engagement -- Establishing Relationship in Christ
Phillip A. Ross $5.95Engaging a relationship with Jesus Christ in the contemporary world is not what many people think it is.

The Big Ten -- The Ten Commandments
Phillip A. Ross$14.95 Get a proper understanding of biblical Christianity that speaks to our problems and addresses issues of orthodoxy and error that plague modern society.

Rock Mountain Creed--Jesus' Sermon on the Mount
Phillip A. Ross $14.50 The ineffectiveness of the church in our world is tied to our own regurgitation of old answers. It is not that we need new Christian answers, but that we need renewed hearts and minds to engage God’s answers through regeneration.

It's About Time!—The Time Is Now
Phillip A. Ross $free This book is not about a mountaintop experience nor is it from a mountaintop perspective. Rather, it is from the "street," down in the valley where people actually live.

Poet Tree -- Root, Branch & Sap
Phillip A. Ross$6.95 Conversations with God. Ross has a wry sense of humor. If humor is funny because it contrasts odd things in unexpected ways, then the best humor isn’t all that funny. The best humor is ridiculously weird.

The Work At Zion—A Reckoning
Phillip A. Ross $30.00 Two volumes: This collection of sermons details a preacher's rediscovery of classic, historical, Protestant Christianity in the midst of of apathy and apostasy.

Concord Of Ages -- The Individual And Organic Harmony Of God And Man
Edward Beecher (1803-1895) $18.55 Edited by Phillip A. Ross With modern layout and explanatory footnotes. This book provides a solution to the biblical problem delineated in Conflict Of Ages.

The Religious History of Marietta in the Nineteenth Century
Thomas Jefferson Summers$6.50 Written by a Congregational minister at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, this history of Marietta is reproduced with footnotes and appendix regarding religious issues of that time.

Inside Out Woman -- Collected Poetry
Doris M. Ross (1927-1986) $12.99 Doris (my mother) was both a mother and a career woman. Her poetry reflects her life story and is deeply emotional, sensitive, yet brilliant, and portrays her struggle for liberation.

Conflict of Ages—The Great Debate of the Moral Relations of God and Man,
Phillip A. Ross $17.50 The Old Testament prophets described the conflict as between the one true God and the many false gods, or the true prophet and the false prophets.