Tag: covenant


Strategic Planning Organizational Model Values Culture SMART Goals SWOT Analysis Strategic Vision Mission & Values Objectives Strategies Action Plan Culture, sometimes called corporate culture, suggests the environment of predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or…

Grace, Not Luck

Application Purpose Principle Passion Virtue Character Calling Leadership Grace Christ The business world mistakenly calls it luck or fortune. They commonly speak of being lucky or fortunate when things go well. Einstein knew better. He knew that “God doesn’t play…

Christ @ Work

Application Purpose Principle Passion Virtue Character Calling Leadership Grace Christ The Foundation of All Truth The acceptance that anything at all can be true, that there is such a thing as truth and/or logic requires two things: 1) the acceptance…

Moral Decrepitude

How do we get out of the mess of moral decay of American society generally, and in Marietta specifically? (Note: Marietta, OH, has recently been wracked with a sex & drugs crisis that has cost the jobs of several firemen…