Our approach to marketing involves a holistic consideration of the many activities and processes necessary for successful marketing. There are a variety of overlaps, where one marketing element can be tweaked to serve in another area, making the marketing process more effective.
Identity / Promise
The process begins with defining, clarifying, and designing the fundamental marketing elements—business name, logo, motto, colors, tag line, etc. It is imperative that the business identity convey the character of the business and its promise to its customers. There needs to be a kind of instant recognition conveyed in these elements.
Appearance / Presentation
Next these identity items need to be designed and developed into various pieces of marketing collateral—business cards, letterhead, envelopes, signs, brochures, sales sheets, websites, clothing and promotional products.
Activation / Promotion
Putting the business collateral in motion involves advertising, promotion, networking, direct mail, email, telephoning, and other ways of letting existing and potential customers know about your business.
Advocation / Sales
Sales is the heart and life blood of every business. The sales process avails itself of many opportunities to extend one’s marketing outreach.
Accomplishment / Performance
Doing a great job also provides a bevy of opportunities for market extension through a few simple processes.
Each element of the Success Cycle builds upon the foundation of the preceding element to create a highly effective marketing machine. But it all begins with planning.