Board Room

Most organizational problems have their origin the board room, which means that the fix must also occur in the board room. Organizational effectiveness begins in the board room.

The classic symptoms of board of directors problems are micromanagement and rubber stamping. Micromanagement involves usurping management’s authority, rubber stamping ignores board authority, respectively.

Proper diagnosis is essential for proper treatment.

A board of directors that is unhappy with reactivity, trivia, and hollow ritual — a board of directors that is determined to be accountable for making a real difference in tomorrow’s world — is encouraged to consider organizational development through John Carver’s Policy Governance®.

Special thanks and appreciation to John Carver and his Policy Governance® model for board of directors leadership and structure. However, Carver’s model is secular based and not appropriate for organizations (churches and other non-profits) that want to be faithfully and effectively involved in Christian ministry. We believe the model of John Carver is seriously flawed at its foundation, which particularly impacts Christian organizations. With the proper adjustment, however, much of Carver’s work is quite useful. For more information, see Biblical Governance.

Policy Governance® is a registered service mark of John Carver.

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